To be frank, the indie market is flooded with great game ideas and artwork right now. In order to beat out the competition, you need to strategize as though you’re playing a game of Civilization on Deity difficulty. This means knowing which type of conference to attend, knowing who to look for once there, and having your elevator pitch ready. Things like concept art, trailers, or a website are a great way to show your commitment level to investors. If you need help with any of these, don’t hesitate to reach out to
Argentics as we have experts in every field who can help you turn your idea into something more tangible.
Just like a sporting event, your success at any conference hinges heavily on your pre-game preparations. Most major brands have time set aside for meetings and interviews during conferences, so research ahead of time and try to schedule a meeting if possible. Look for networking pages on the event site, and never sleep on the almighty LinkedIn. Furthermore, sites like Signal sort tens of thousands of investors by their area of interest. This is a powerful tool that lets you pitch ideas to a wider audience. A fun example of this is how spinal cord rehabilitation programs have been investing in Esports and augmented reality games, as these serve as proving grounds for the medical technology of the future. It never hurts to think outside the box, especially if you come prepared.
Events today can take place in-person, online, or in a hybrid format. These each come with their perks and setbacks, and it is best to recognize your studio’s strengths before choosing which to attend. If an in-person event is nearby and you have a suave talker on your team, this will be your best chance at getting a foot in the door with a financial backer. That said, it doesn’t make sense to fly from Prague to Menomonie, Wisconsin to pitch a trailer when we live in the golden age of digital communication. Videoconferences have become a viable and effective place to share content and make online connections with potential investors. So without further adieu, here are some of Argentics’ top game conferences where you can score some capital to back up your project!