Top Shooting Games: Exploring the Ultimate in Action-Packed Shooters

No genre is more synonymous with gaming than shooters. There was nothing like the thrill of picking up a plastic pistol and playing Time Crisis at your local arcade, or launching into your first online match of Call of Duty. This genre is thrilling through-and-through, and harbors some of the biggest blockbusters of all time. On top of the obvious, there are tons of outstanding indie shooters flying under the radar. In this article, we will dive into what makes classic AAA titles great, as well as some smaller titles that you may not have heard of yet!

Shooters come in many shapes and sizes, but can be classified in a handful of ways. The most obvious difference is player perspective: games can be played in either the first or third person. Most would agree that first person shooters provide a more intense experience, as it really immerses the player in the combat, whereas third person titles are geared more towards action-movie combat where players enjoy watching their character pull off sick stunts and crazy moves. The other way shooters can be classified is based on their level of realism. A fun comparison that highlights this is the difference between the battle royales, Fortnite and PUBG. These games’ mechanics are nearly identical: drop in, loot for weapons, and be the last person standing. That said, they provide a completely different experience and attract different consumers based on their levels of realism. This is why it is vital for upcoming game developers to understand their target audience before making decisions about the level of detail they want to include in their games. For consulting on this, or help with hashing out an enjoyable shooter of your own, remember you can reach out to Argentics at any step of the way!

Call of Duty, Battlefield, and Counterstrike: The Bluebloods

The games in this section need no introductions. Installments in these three series have ranked amongst the most played games every year for over a decade. So what is there to learn from these perennial powerhouses? Almost everything. Valve, Dice, and Activision all found formulas that were successful, and established dominance in the early days of online gaming. Nowadays, they have nearly unlimited budgets to make titles true to their identity. CoD is known for its fast-paced gunplay, Battlefield for its large maps and chaotic battles, and Counterstrike for bringing a more tactical feel to smaller lobbies. Each of these series has something that makes them stick out from the crowd, and the devs lean into that heavily with each installment. For indie studios developing new shooters, it is equally important to make sure that their game does at least one thing that nobody else on the market is doing. If this formula is successful, they can set themselves up for a decade of sequels to come.

Top Ultra-Realistic and Milsim Shooters

A small, but rabid corner of the shooter market are games that use hyper-realistic. These games use things like true-to-life physics, historical accuracy, or intricate medical systems to better simulate real world combat. Of course, no game will ever capture the pace of real warfare, but titles in this genre tend to have slower gameplay that rapidly boils into flashes of intensity.

Hell Let Loose

One of the best and most realistic WW2 shooters ever released, Hell Let Loose is a dream come true for history buffs and a must-play for fans of slower paced, barebones combat. HLL pits two teams against each other in massive one hundred player lobbies. Combat is based on controlling objectives, with Warfare being a tug-of-war style battle, and Offensive being a one-way game, similar to Battlefield’s Rush mode. This game reminds players of the harsh realities of true warfare. Artillery is extremely deadly, and trying to be a hero almost always results in getting waxed by an enemy you never saw. This type of gameplay is refreshing for tactical players who are sick of being mediocre due to slow stick skills, as most engagements are won or lost by the time the first shots are fired.
Hell Let Loose Shooter Game
Battle through Europe and Africa as you use teamwork, large-scale tactics, and unique classes to out maneuver your enemy. Fall in line and follow orders if you want any chance of surviving your first few matches of Hell Let Loose. Available on all platforms now!

Teams are divided into rifle squads of six, armor units of three, and recon partners who are able to wield the only scoped guns in the game. True to history, most soldiers wield bolt-action rifles with iron sites. The slow rate of fire makes it essential to hit your shots, and stay close to your squad so you can keep enemies suppressed with volleys of long shots. Each team also has a commander, who has a direct line of communication with every squad leader. Leaders can then relay order to their squads using a separate voice channel. There is also a third channel for proximity chat so you can speak with teammates in your area. These channels can be easily toggled using just a few button inputs, and it’s a good thing, because this player base loves to talk! The game features a solid rotation of historical maps, most of which are scarred by howitzer craters and dilapidated buildings, true to what the frontlines of most battles looked like. This gives the game a gritty look that helps capture the gloom of warfare. If you want to experience what the frontlines of WW2 looked like, then Hell Let Loose is a must play!

Ready or Not, Here They Come!

Void Interactive’s 2023 police shooter is a highly realistic game that has the player control an American SWAT team in the fictional city of Los Sueños. Gameplay is based around clearing various locations, from convenience stores to crack houses, of various criminal threats. The game is renowned for its tactical elements, which include loads of less-lethal weapons that can be deployed to clear a scene without just killing everyone inside. Clearing scenes in a professional manner will keep your squad mates’ mental health status up, making them more effective and reliable on future missions. Making mistakes like shooting a civilian or fellow officer will cause emotional trauma, which must be addressed by sending officers to therapy or risk them resigning. This mechanic incentivizes neutralizing, and not killing enemies, but that is easier said than done when the lead starts flying.
Police Shooter Ready or Not
Rescue hostages, eliminate enemies, and more in Ready or Not. Buckle up for an intense ride as you try to outwit the bad guys who could be hiding around any corner.
Ready or Not has generated a lot of controversy about how realistic a video game should be. American news outlets have questioned whether the game is appropriate amidst all of the ongoing gun violence and police brutality incidents in the States. The lifelike graphics, paired with a shaky, head-height first person perspective make this game feel real. It is up to the player if this game is right for them, but be warned it is an intense experience that plays more like a SWAT team training tool than the casual games of old. That said, to firearms enthusiasts it can be really enjoyable to set up your trusty breaching gun to your exact specs, and use it to play through loads of situations. Moreover, deploying cutting-edge equipment is really fun when you’re breaching everyday American locations. The lack of grandeur in the map design makes every moment feel like it could happen in your town. Lastly, the game is renowned for having some of the smartest AI opponents out there. They will use dirty tactics like fake surrendering, or baiting a player towards a closed door and then proceeding to blast through it with a few pumps of double-ought buck. This game has set a high standard for realism and AI performance, and has become a benchmark of this subgenre that future tactical shooters will be weighed against in coming years.

Most Action-Packed Shooters

Moving on from the ultra-realistic, here are some games that are a bit more traditional and rely on action, storytelling, and game mechanics to stand out from the others.


Trepang2 is a 2023 horror-themed shooter that has the player take control of a human test subject in their quest to escape from the sinister Horizon black-site they are being held at. Following the prologue, players must initially rely on stealth until they have a strong enough loadout to begin engaging enemies head on. This is when the real fun begins! The gameplay is reminiscent of the many fast paced shooters from the golden age of the PS2 such as Black or Rainbow Six: Vegas, but with a darker twist. The nostalgic feel and MK Ultra inspired storyline are the strong suits of this title. It isn’t as creepy or full of jumpscares as a true horror title, but still delivers a handful of jeepers amidst the chaos of dual-wielding weapons and mowing down hordes of enemies.
Horror Shooter Trepang2
Fight for your freedom and your sanity in Trepang2!
The game started as just one man’s passion project, and had a team of just four by the time the initial demo was released. The team did an excellent job of realizing their strengths and limitations, and built a fun game that they wanted to see on the market. The graphics and movement aren’t on par with EA’s billion dollar babies, but Trepang2 is a solid game with a great story line and almost nonstop action– two things that are often overlooked in the rat race to develop the next best thing. If you want to kick back and enjoy mowing down some enemies, then try out Trepang2 today!

Spill some Low-Poly Guts in Ultrakill

Another thrilling piece of the action-shooter renaissance is Ultrakill, a game that blends modern movement and game-mechanics with clonky, low-poly graphics that will have you second-guessing whether you’re playing a game from 2020 or 1996. The graphics are great fun, and are reminiscent of titles like Murder Miners that create a beautiful world using very basic building blocks. The game is all about stringing together dope killstreaks and doing so with flair. Players accumulate a score based on their Style Meter, which awards points and multipliers as though this was a skateboarding, not a demon-slaying game.
Action Shooter Ultrakill
Kill enemies, hit some combos, and enjoy the chaos that is Ultrakill.
The plot follows V1, a prototypical blood-fueled humanoid who fights through the seven layers of hell in their quest for survival. The player encounters several historical and folk characters in Hell, such as King Midas being the boss at the end of the Lust chapter. These comedic touches keep you on your toes and would be enough to rib a laugh out of Dante himself. The game’s lore is a bit muddled, but the character appearances and loads of easter eggs more than make up for it. One of the best spoofs is V1 facing off with a near identical foe, V2, after a slow buildup that mirrors Agent 47’s faceoff with his nemesis in Hitman 2: Silent Assassin. This game is action-packed, funny, and runs smoothly. It checks all of the boxes for playability and replayability. If you’re feeling quirky and want to play Minecraft meets Tony Hawk meets Gears of War, then download Ultrakill today!

PUBG and Siege: Forgotten but not Gone

Trends come and go, and some games change greatly over time. Two titles that seemed to be on their last legs that have reinvented in recent years are the battle royale, PUBG, and the once-tactical shooter, Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege. By making drastic updates to their original products, coupled with some late-life ad campaigns, player count for both games is on a slight uptick again. PUBG smoothing out their console ports and adding features like crossplay and a resurrection system has given the game a fresh feeling. The more extreme case, Siege, is but a shell of the fairly realistic breach and clear game it once was. The gunplay has become faster and the gadgets more and more futuristic. This has alienated a lot of former fans, but is worth booting up for an unranked match or two to see if the new feel is right for you. This lesson applies to tons of other titles as well – so check in on your old favorites from time to time, they may miss you.

Why not a Trip to the Arcade?

Ah, the nostalgia of loading up on quarters and sauntering down to the local arcade to play shooters until your rainy day fund ran dry. While no home solution will match the joy of blasting away at whitetails in Big Buck Hunter or fighting off circus demons in CarnEvil, modern technology has made it easier to play some of your favorite arcade shooters at home. Products like the Neo Geo or CapCom arcade sticks let you boot up tons of classics right on your home TV! A little throwback to the olden days of shoot ‘em games can make for a fun 90’s themed party, and provide hours of entertainment on your own. If you’re a fan of retro games, products like these and even online emulators can be a fun place to turn.

Arcade Gaming Machines
Look into booting up some of your favorite arcade shooters in the comfort of your own living room by using the latest tech on the market.

If you’re thinking of developing your own shooter, remember that Argentics is here to help you at any step of the way. We will provide you with artists, animators, team leads, and much more. Contact us today and we can help get your project up and running right away!
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