As you can see, there are many steps to developing a final product, and there are typically quite a few people involved. This makes it impossible to say just how long it should take to make a game, but keeping in mind your desired quality, available resources, and team’s experience will help you estimate. A bigger budget is always helpful, as it lets you bring on more employees, or more experienced leaders. Understanding your team members’ strengths and assigning them tasks accordingly will make a huge difference as well. The last, and most important thing is that the team has one coherent vision of the finish line. Are you rushing a game to production to make some quick cash off of a current trend, or do you have a few years available to strive for perfection? The choice boils down to what the studio or producer’s goal is, but coming to consensus on this early in the development process will help you create the best game possible by the time your deadlines for an Alpha, Beta, and finished product roll around.
If you are struggling at any point of the game development process, don’t hesitate to reach out to
Argentics. Our well-rounded team can help you with nuts-and-bolts issues such as coding or user interface, as well as artistic endeavors like sketches, animations, and writing. Even if you plan to complete the entire project yourself, it is worth getting in contact with one of our experienced developers! We will review your roadmap and offer advice and suggestions about how your team can get your product up and running as soon as possible.